Raskasta Joulua has released its third album ”Raskasta Joulua” and it has the biggest line up yet. Check out more info about the album, line up and tour from www.raskastajoulua.com. J and other guys show up in their new video, ”Tulkoon Joulu”. Check it out!
Great!!! 🙂
Now we can else one time say greetings to You, Jarkko! 🙂
With another album`s Platin Disk, since Raskasta Joulua 2013 album now sold
more than 20 000 copies!
Onnea, Jarkko, Onnea! 🙂
I like those comments upon official video at YouTube, like:
– ”I do not know Finish, but I Understand what they are singing! This is magic of Finnish music!”
– ”the land of great music talents – Finland!”
– ”fantastic! amazing voices together )) love you!!!!!!!!”
Yeah! It`s FANTASTIC !!!
Although in RJ 2013 album almost all songs is in Finnish (one in Swedish sings Elize Ryd together with Toni Kakko), I bought it for present to my friends, who not understand both languages. Sure, for myself too :))
So … I very like way in what songs were arranged and all performances there is very great and cool! And new vocalist finding – Antti Railio, who sings ”Ave Maria”.
But anyway, Jarkko, your ”Ave Maria” is best for me. So I`m very proud to present your Ave Maria album to my friends 🙂
Especially thanks to You, Jarkko, for Your performances of ”Mielenrauhaa” and ”Valkea Joulu” 2013 (together with Pasi) in RJ album! Sure, thanks about other songs nice and interesting performances you guys together!
Else about RJ album… I very liked there how interesting in one song for intro part was chosed short instrumental part of ”Walking in the air” song… and how it interflow with another song.
So nice! This can say about all album`s song, how it was good done.
Big thank to all musicians who worked on it. You`re THE best guys! 🙂
I wish all guys and you, Jarkko, nice, warmhearted and joyful Winter Solstice holidays! 😉