I want to thank you all for this special year. I never expected that there’d be two totally different albums out, AHOLA – Stoneface and Ave Maria. It seems that you never know what’s going to happen next. I am grateful to all you people who have supported me along the way. I’m also humbled of the success of my Xmas album. I knew that we were doing something special, but that so many people found it, wow. Thank you.
A special thanks for the Xmas greets some of you sent me through J.Ahola Official Street Team. Very kind of you!
And now it’s time to take it easy for a while. I wish you all a very joyful Christmas and may the upcoming year bring all the good stuff to YOU.
Haluan kiittää kaikkia tästä erityisestä vuodesta. Enpä olisi koskaan arvannut, että olisin samana vuonna kahdella albumilla – ja vieläpä täysin erilaisilla sellaisilla: AHOLA – Stoneface ja Ave Maria. Sitä vaan ei voi koskaan tietää mitä elämässä tulee eteen. Olen kiitollinen teille kaikille, jotka olette olleet tukemassa minua matkallani tuonne jonnekin. Nöyränä ihmettelen myös joululevyn saamaa suosiota. Toki tiesin, että olemme tekemässä jotain erityistä, mutta että niin moni ihminen löysi tuon albumin. Kiitos.
Erityiskiitos niille, jotka lähettivät J.Ahola Official Street Teamin kautta minulle joulutervehdyksen. Erittäin ystävällistä!
Ja nyt on aika ottaa rennosti tovi. Toivon teille kaikille nautinnollista joulua ja tuokoon tuleva vuosi kaikkea hyvää teille. Tarkemmin, juuri SINULLE.
I forgot to say what I mainly wanted to say and that was THANK YOU !!!! Thank you for your wonderful music , so kiitos <3 Rock On <3
Hey Jarkko. How are you? I wish you peaceful Christmas and very happy New Year. I would like to say,thank you for this year. We have received this year two beyond belief cd’s from you, and many many fantastic gigs. Hopefully next year is you very rewarding and good and you can do to this job very long. Your voice is so powerful and amazing. It’s hit straight to my heart again and again…
You are ROCK!!! Big thanks to you!! <3
My late thanks! Xmas is now celebrated and the new year has started. Let’s see what it will bring.
I’m glad you liked the albums and the gigs as well.
Have a Happy New Year!
Thank you, T&G!
It truly has been a special year for us as well, and the reason it has been so special is because of finding your music 🙂 Finding your music, running a Facebook site ( here comes a plug 😉 Ahola Dream Team please come and like us https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ahola-Dream-Team/243864872409217?ref=hl ) and therefore getting to know so many of your oh so lovely fans has been such a privilege and we thank you with all of our hearts. Keep rocking and making such awesome music and albums as the world needs your inspiring music <3 Merry Christmas and all the very best wishes from a warm but windy Tasmania